Christmas Pageant

Tahun ini St. John's Kids mempersiapkan Christmas Pageant dengan thema : Pacifically Aotearoa.

Cukup unik dan beda karena semuanya kostumnya berciri khas Islander. Kalau tahun lalu kezia jadi angel-nya masih malu2...sekarang sudah berani tampil sendiri tanpa mommy sama sekali. Well done love...

God is Love Christmas is all about love Christmas is thus about God and Love Love is the key to peace among all mankind Love is the key to peace and happiness within all creation Love needs to be practiced - love needs to flow - love needs to make happy Love starts with your partner, children and family and expands to all world God bless all mankind

Merry Christmas '08 and Happy New Year '09
Happy Holiday everyone...All the best.

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